Friday, December 17, 2010

iPhoto Project

The iPhoto project was fun. I had fun looking for the pictures. If I had to do it again, I would get more pictures, and I would use a different song. I would also get different pictures. First I got all of the pictures. That took a couple of days. Then I put all of the pictures into iPhoto. Then I copied all of the songs into the right order, and then I put them in the right order. I also turned off some of the effects in iMovie. Then I found a song and I put it in the video.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mail Merge

The Mail merge project was hard because I had to find a lot of addresses and come up with names for the people. It was also hard because I had to write the letter, and because I had to type out all of the information in the Excel file. First I wrote the letter, then I entered all of the information about people's names and addresses into an Excel file. Then I went to my letter and selected Mail Merge Manager. I selected the Excel file and told it where to put each name or address.

Friday, December 3, 2010

M&M Project

I thought the project was easy. I would do it the same if I had to do it again. The M&M's were good. I had mostly blue. I had not many red. To average the amount of M$M's out, I had to add all of the boxes up, and then I had to divide by how many boxes there were. Then I had to drag the corner of the box down over the boxes below it. That put the formula I used in the rest of the boxes. The project was fun, especially because I got to eat the M&M's at the end.